About this site

Any work presented here is aimed at those who are trying to find and strengthen the core aspects of the self. Their own self that is. Self-development is a long-term ongoing process. Any wisdom or insight offered within this site is to be used as needed. You can discard any of it if it doesn't fit your own personal agenda.

Free Will may or may not be an illusion, but many have said that it is better to pretend it exists. It may well be true that you're at the mercy of your DNA and the social constraints of your family, your community, and your country of origin. Choices will always need to be made, but you need to be aware that you do in fact have a choice to begin with.

Messages, signs, and synchronicities that occur daily are helpful prompts when embarking on a journey of self-knowing. The overall purpose is to help others find what is meaningful to them. Sometimes, we need help to decide what is meaningful and what isn't. Both the head and the heart can be guilty of over-complicating what is simple, and they can both be guilty of denying complexity.

External expressions of internal trauma include; anxiety, burnout, co-dependency, despair, OCD, identity issues, panic attacks, psycho-sexual issues, relationship problems, sexuality, stress, weight issues, and work-related problems. You are welcome to use any service here if you have any of these expressions, but if you’re receiving a high level of clinical support for your mental health, I would ask you speak to me first, and we can discuss whether it’s appropriate for me to get involved. If conventional methods are not working for you, I need to know why before proceeding. Many people have issues that are bad enough to interfere with their general well-being but not enough to warrant clinical intervention - if you think you fall into this category, please let me know. The bottom line here is honesty; if I know where you’re at, I am better equipped to come find you and get you back on a path which feels right to you. If you are one of the tiny minority who actively seek an authentic existence, you are highly likely to at least suffer from anxiety and possibly OCD. Both are par for the course when not following the herd, and we can explore ways to alleviate your suffering.

Or maybe, you’re just having a really bad day…

You could be anyone, and there are way too many possibilities to list every reason you may want my help. Whether you decide to get in touch or not, I wish you well on your journey.

About Me

I was born and raised in rural North Yorkshire not too far from York. In my thirties, I moved to Wiltshire and I’ve been here ever since. I have children, grandchildren, three cats, two dart frogs, and a dog called Millie.

Professionally, I’ve been reading cards for nearly three decades at the point of writing (2023) and doing astrology for about twenty-five years. Around fifteen years ago my interests widened to include psychoanalysis, and from there I ventured towards philosophy and finally settled into history. I love learning, and I’m happiest when my brain gets a chance to exercise.

I blogged from 2009 onwards, often about my own inner angst and my aversion to socially accepted norms. When I’m trying to be responsible, I write about the things that end up on this website, and I blog elsewhere about social and political issues. In the upcoming months, I hope to add new content in a more regular fashion. The focus will likely be archetypes, and iconography in art with a hefty dose of tarot thrown in for good measure. In the meantime, if you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to get in touch.