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Energy Healing Quinn Energy Healing Quinn

A Complete Guide to Balance and Heal Your Throat Chakra

In part five of this series, we continue our journey with the throat chakra. The throat chakra, known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is associated with communication. Its core issue centres around self-expression. Blocked self-expression or an inability to communicate vital needs are often at the root of throat chakra issues. This chakra is associated with the element of sound. Problems with this chakra can manifest in several emotional and physical symptoms. Let’s look at some of the most obvious indications that your throat chakra needs attention.

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Energy Healing Quinn Energy Healing Quinn

A Complete Guide to Balance and Heal Your Heart Chakra

In part four of this series, we continue our journey with the heart chakra. The heart chakra, known as Anahata in Sanskrit, is associated with love and relationships — its core issue centres around the giving and receiving of love. Self-love and healing from rejection or separation are often at the root of heart chakra issues. This chakra has an association with the element of air. Problems with this chakra can manifest in several emotional and physical symptoms. Let’s look at some of the most obvious indications that your heart chakra needs attention.

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Energy Healing Quinn Energy Healing Quinn

A Complete Guide to Balance and Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra

In part three of this series, we continue our journey with the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra, known as Manipura in Sanskrit, is associated with willpower, vitality, and autonomy — its core issue is personal power. Confidence and self-esteem are often central or at the root of any solar plexus issues. This chakra has an association with the element of fire. Problems with this chakra can manifest in several emotional and physical symptoms. Let’s look at some of the most obvious indications that your solar plexus chakra needs attention.

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Energy Healing Quinn Energy Healing Quinn

A Complete Guide to Balance and Heal Your Sacral Chakra

In part two of this series, we continue our journey with the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra, known as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotions — its core issue is creativity. This chakra has an association with the element of water. Problems with this chakra can manifest in several emotional and physical symptoms. Let’s look at some of the most obvious indications that your sacral chakra needs attention.

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Energy Healing Quinn Energy Healing Quinn

A Complete Guide to Balance and Heal Your Root Chakra

In part one of this series, we begin our journey with the root chakra. The root chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, is associated with stability, grounding, and security — its core issue is survival. This chakra has an association to the element of Earth. Problems with this chakra can manifest in several emotional and physical symptoms. Let’s look at some of the most obvious indications that your root chakra needs attention.

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Energy Healing Quinn Energy Healing Quinn

The Chakras: An Introduction

I plan to do a seven-part series on the Chakra system and figured it would be a good idea to write an introduction. Knowing I tend to cherry-pick, I figured it was probably a good idea to refamiliarise myself with the nuts and bolts I'd likely discarded decades ago. I made a start by listening to a sixteen-hour audiobook that was written by Anodea Judith.

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Crystals Quinn Crystals Quinn

Crystal Helpers: An Introduction

I love crystals more for their aesthetic value than any magical properties. That's not to say I don't appreciate them as totems because I obviously do. I simply prefer to acknowledge my reasons for being attracted to using them in the first place. Emotional healing can often be triggered by doing no more than directing your focus; because crystals are said to work on a vibratory or energetic level, this means they can help you to do just that. You can either wear it as jewellery, carry a stone in your pocket or sleep with a chunk under your pillow.

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Plant Life Quinn Plant Life Quinn

Trees That Heal

I've been curious about the mythical offerings of trees for a long time and use them in a divinatory capacity now and again. Since my late teens, this guide has evolved from exploring witchcraft, paganism, and different forms of divination. I use the following interpretations if I happen to be drawn to a particular tree, but I think it's more important to spend time with your own thoughts whilst you're sitting underneath whichever tree has caught your attention and see what comes into your heart.

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Yoga Quinn Yoga Quinn

More Yoga

I began to write about the different styles of yoga until I gave myself a mental slap with a what the fuck are you doing? I think I got triggered after seeing the word kundalini. A throwback to my new age days of yore ensued, and I cringed, deleted, and finally recalibrated my thoughts. I spent way too much time looking into all things spiritual, occult, and new age in my youth.

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Essential Oils Quinn Essential Oils Quinn

Aromatherapy: An introduction

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to promote health and general wellbeing. Aromatherapy has gained popularity over the last twenty years and is now available as a course in many colleges, and is a reasonably well-accepted alternative therapy. It was first discovered here in the UK by Nicholas Culpeper (1616-54), who studied herbalism, botany, and astrology.

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Tinctures Quinn Tinctures Quinn

Bach Flower Remedies

The flower remedies were the result of research done by Dr. Edward Bach, and in 1930 he gave up his practice to concentrate fully on the development of the remedies. He had noticed the connection between the state of mind and the ability of the body to heal itself, so the remedies are designed specifically for mental and emotional states. They are not dangerous and do not interfere with conventional medicine.

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Yoga Quinn Yoga Quinn

My Introduction to Yoga

I am about to enter my fifth month of doing yoga almost daily. I was naturally flexible in my younger years, and loved stretching; I had some confidence that I'd be fine if I persisted. I did feel that being fat gave some limitation on certain moves, which is most noticeable in those first few days. I wanted to write about how yoga can be done even if you're not skinny and flexible,

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