Tarot & Oracle, & Book Reviews
A review-based blog for students. The blog will focus on tarot and oracle reviews. Any books reviewed will have an emphasis on tarot or other divinatory practices.
Tarot of the Sweet Twilight
Tarot of the Sweet Twilight was published way back in 2009 by Lo Scarabeo. Artist Cristina Benintende, used deep colours throughout the deck. The overall result is a soft, warm, and bold design. I would not call it childlike, but the colours and characters evoke a youthful and fertile vibe. It comes in the traditional Lo Scarabeo tuck box and has the obligatory little white booklet. The interpretations given are thoughtful despite being limited in scope.
Madhouse Tarot
The Madhouse Tarot was published in 2020 by artist Eugene Vinitski and author Elsa Khapatnukovski. The uniqueness of the artwork is consistent throughout, and the quality is excellent. The cards are a smooth matte finish and will likely be easy to shuffle. The black edging has a slight shimmer, but it pairs well with
The Dark Mansion Tarot
The Dark Mansion tarot was created in 2018 by illustrator Magdalena Kaczan and Krzysztof Wasiuk, founder of Taroteca Studios. An enormous amount of thought went into every inch of the finished product. Wasiuk states that he wanted to create something that was not only uniquely beautiful but useable and intuitive.
The Dreamkeepers Tarot
The Dreamkeepers Tarot is a lovely deck published in 2021. Liz Huston spent the best part of twelve years creating the images, and I like that she talks about this process at the beginning of the guidebook. Liz self-published the first edition in 2018, and US Games published this updated mass-market version in 2020.
Dark Grimoire Tarot
The Dark Grimoire Tarot was first published in 2008; I’ve had this deck for years and barely used it. Every time I pulled it out of the box, I fell in love again and then put it back for the future when I had more time to connect with it — and I’ve probably done this for ten years. The artist is Michele Penco, and he has since done another deck called the