Tarot & Oracle, & Book Reviews
A review-based blog for students. The blog will focus on tarot and oracle reviews. Any books reviewed will have an emphasis on tarot or other divinatory practices.
The Oracles
The Oracles is a self-published deck created by Libby Bove. First published in 2022, they are an intensely unique and quirky oracle set. They’re possibly limited in the audience that will be attracted to the cards — mostly because they deal with the grubbier side of personality and inadequate relationships. Yet, I still want to say it’s probably one of the best oracle decks
Shamanic Healing Oracle
The Shamanic Healing Oracle is a lovely forty-four-card deck that was first published back in 2016. Artist Michelle A. Motuzas paints relatively simple designs, but I genuinely like this style of artwork. The deck retails at just under £20 and is well-priced for what you get. The box is sturdy and has a magnetic clasp on the lid. The cards are of average thickness
The Botanical Oracle for Strange Women
For Strange Women published the Botanical Oracle deck in 2019. The artwork was originally commissioned over a period spanning fifty-three new moons to illustrate their lunar perfume series. Ash Miyagawa is the artist responsible for the imagery in the beautiful Botanical Oracle and it's currently on my list of personal favourites. It comes in a small but sturdy
Carnival at the End of the World
The Carnival at the End of The World is a unique deck. It’s not the cheapest tarot set available, but it’s strong enough in design and concept to warrant its self-published price tag. I had my eye on this deck for a considerable time before my eldest son bought it for me last year. Ashamedly, I’ve barely looked at it. In my defence, life has been exceptionally
Le Tarot aux Ramures Étranges
Le Tarot aux Ramures Étranges (The Strange Antlers Tarot, Tarot of the Strange Antlers) was published in April 2022. The author/illustrator is Alisa Marazyuk, and she uses the name Rouxalis as the author. It comes in a solid box with a lift-off lid, and the guidebook is a respectable size. There’s no box insert to keep the cards cosy, but a cloth bag is
Winterseer Animal Companion
We’re already over halfway through winter, but I wanted to mention this lovely seasonal set by Siolo Thompson. The Winterseer Animal Companion (2021) is a decent-sized piece of kit, and this means we have a regular-sized guidebook. The box is sturdy with a magnetic clasp; and it has an insert! The cards are a good size, medium-weight, and
Shadowland Lenormand
The Shadowland Lenormand by Monica Bodirsky is a natural companion to the tarot deck of the same name. Published in December 2021, it has the same style of artwork and gold edging as the Shadowland tarot. I will forever loathe gold edging on cards I want to use, and this deck is no exception. These cards are slightly smaller than the Shadowland tarot.
The Light Seer’s Tarot
I’m surprised I didn’t review this deck ages ago because I used it extensively for months when it arrived. The Light Seer’s Tarot was/is a popular tarot deck published by Hay House in December 2019. The artist Chris-Anne Donnelly has since created the Muse Tarot (2020), The Sacred Creator’s Oracle (2021), and the Tarot of Curious Creatures(2021). It comes in a small but study box, and includes a relatively decent guidebook.
Tarot of the Sweet Twilight
Tarot of the Sweet Twilight was published way back in 2009 by Lo Scarabeo. Artist Cristina Benintende, used deep colours throughout the deck. The overall result is a soft, warm, and bold design. I would not call it childlike, but the colours and characters evoke a youthful and fertile vibe. It comes in the traditional Lo Scarabeo tuck box and has the obligatory little white booklet. The interpretations given are thoughtful despite being limited in scope.