Eight of Wands

Traditional Meaning
Swiftness. Agility. Good movement. Long-distance travel.
Going Deeper
This card is telepathy in action. If it appears in a reading when a question has been asked about another person, it is saying that the answers are already known. Conversations that are taking place in the mind should be listened to, and if this has not been done, then it advises you to try talking to the person in your head to see what happens. It's also an indicator of air travel and a journey that may be undertaken. Look at the other cards for an indicator of timing. Things are usually moving quickly with this card, and it is important to go with the flow and use the energy around you. It's a good card to see in a reading if there have been blockages or too much time spent waiting.
Astro Insight
Mercury in Sagittarius. The mind will be travelling at great speed; keep a note of your thoughts.
Examples With Other Cards
The Chariot or the six of swords most certainly indicates travel. The Knight of Wands is a dynamic individual that likes his freedom; could also indicate love for someone from overseas or from a radically different background.
- 0 The Fool
- 01 The Magician
- 02 The High Priestess
- 03 The Empress
- 04 The Emperor
- 05 The Hierophant
- 06 The Lovers
- 07 The Chariot
- 08 Strength
- 09 The Hermit
- 10 The Wheel of Fortune
- 11 Justice
- 12 The Hanged Man
- 13 Death
- 14 Temperance
- 15 The Devil
- 16 The Tower
- 17 The Star
- 18 The Moon
- 19 The Sun
- 20 Judgement
- 21 The World