Tarot & Other Types of Divination
A learning-based blog for students of tarot. Existing blog posts cover all tarot card meanings, card layouts, and other bits relevant to the practice of tarot. New posts about runes, Lenormand, and other stuff coming soon.
The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is one of those cards that can throw a spanner into a positive reading. Whilst many connect this card to the spiritual, the reality is it's no more spiritual than you make it. This card is far more likely to appear if you have an ongoing situation requiring stupid levels of passivity. Many people under the influence
This card is all about achieving a balance of some sort. In personal relationships, it demands that equality is sought. We can't pull the gender card when the Justice card appears; we must acknowledge that we are both masculine and feminine. Neither sex can ultimately claim power over the other.
The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel is an important symbol in many traditions. Many tarot decks will display the astrological wheel. Symbolically this represents all things are part of a cycle with a beginning and an end. The Wheel of Fortune is neither good nor bad; it just is. I have read that the key to mastering this wheel of existence is to
The Hermit
The Hermit tells us we must stop and think more than anything else. Whatever situations are playing out around us, we cannot let ourselves get swept into the chaos; we have to retreat and sort things out in our minds. Things need to be tidied up before we can proceed. Quiet time is essential, and t
All cards can be read from a personal perspective, but the Strength card is one that really does throw it straight back to the one asking the questions. It rarely shows an event and instead asks you to give focus to your inner life. It demands self-mastery over base-level emotions such as lust, laziness, and apathy. Strength tells us
The Chariot
The Chariot is symbolic of the two sides of man/woman. Coming after the Lovers, it is the lesson learned of the benefits of being able to balance two opposing forces. Many decks will show the chariot being pulled by a black and a white horse, yet someone is usually driving the chariot. It is not often shown
The Lovers
The Lovers is one of those cards that generally doesn't show the difficulties it brings. It is easy to assume that you'll see prince charming on his trusty steed when it appears in a reading. After fifteen years of seeing this card appear, I can say that it rarely means a lifelong love. The Lovers is often about having to
The Hierophant
The Hierophant is quite a pleasant card to get. It brings a certain kind of peacefulness to the whole reading. If it signifies a person, it is someone who is usually very solid. You can rely on The Hierophant to get or give you much-needed help. It shows consistency and trust are essential to the
The Emperor
The card brings fire energy into play and gives the power to initiate situations in the area where the card falls in the reading. Because of the masculine energy contained in the card, it generally describes a man rather than a woman with a dominant personality. The Emperor represents a forceful
The Empress
The Empress is another feminine card though the outer expression is very different from the High Priestess. The archetypal Empress shares her energy with others. In contrast, the High Priestess is the energy we need to keep for ourselves. The Empress will be found taking care of others and
The High Priestess
Because of the strong associations with the moon, you must be honest about feelings when The High Priestess is present in a reading. Clairsentience is strong, but the best way to use this gift is to learn more about emotions and how they influence and shape our decisions. If we don't know
The Magician
The Magician will frequently occur when more effort needs to be put into communicating things that are difficult or challenging. Some words must be spoken, irrespective of how hard that may be. The Magician's presence in a reading says that omens and coincidences are needed to further
The Fool
The general interpretation of The Fool is that it represents new beginnings where a little trust in the self is needed. The Fool can signify an unexpected opportunity, but faith in life itself has to be felt, or the chance to change and grow will be lost. There are no guarantees that the Fool's offer will succeed.