Moonology Oracle Cards

I am so impressed with the quality of these cards — they’re thick and feel like they’ll last a lifetime. The box is also solid. I love new decks for the fresh energy but hate them when it comes to shuffling, and this deck is no exception. These cards cling together, and I’ll be happier once they loosen up. I can see myself using these regularly within readings to get a sense of timing and maybe establish where a process is in relation to its completion. The set contains eight moon phase cards, then twelve new and twelve full moon cards for each sun sign. To finish off, this deck included twelve special moon cards. The booklet includes a few spreads, although I’m not convinced they’re useful for the cards. I’d rather use this deck alongside something more substantial, like tarot, and keep them for the stuff that tarot ain’t always good at - like pinpointing timing.

The artwork is a little bland because they stay close to the astrological symbolism, which is understandable. I like the quotes on the bottom because they capture the essence of the transit very well. The guidebook gives a two-page interpretation for each card, and for the Blue Moon, it says: As the saying goes, some things happen ‘only once in a blue moon’. In other words, hardly ever. Drawing this card suggests you’re about to get a rare chance, and that something ‘one-off’ could well be about to happen. This card is a very positive sign if you’ve felt like you’re hoping for too much, or asking too much of the universe. Whatever you are asking about — well, it might only happen once in a blue moon but it can happen! However, with this rare opportunity before you, it’s important that you believe in it. If you convince yourself that whatever you’re asking about can never go in your favour, then guess what? It won’t go in your favour! Be grateful for this card, which is a reminder to believe in your dreams.
Attune to the Moon — I’m lucky!
Additional meanings for this card
Miss this chance and it might not come back any time soon.
What happened may only happen once.
The person you’re enquiring about is a rare find.
If you can believe it, you can achieve it.
This situation is unlikely to repeat.
The teaching — There are usually three full moons between each equinox and solstice (and vice versa). Sometimes, though, we get four full moons in a single season. When that happens, the third of the season’s four full moons is called a blue moon - at least, that was the original definition of a blue moon. These days it’s popular to use the blue moon for the second full moon in any calendar month that has two full moons.
As you can see, the descriptions are certainly better than a standard small white booklet that comes with a tarot deck, For the size of the kit, I think the author has managed to pack in a good amount of information. All in all, I like this deck, despite the artwork not doing anything. It’s a solid concept and is definitely functional.
If you’re interested — the last blue moon was March 2018, the next one is October 2020, and then it’ll be August 2023 if we’re using full moons in a calendar month.
There are a couple of links here if you want more information on the blue moon